• 25 March, 2025 14:38



Month: December 2020

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  • ايشوعياب الثالث الحديابي، حياته وكتاباته

ايشوعياب الثالث الحديابي، حياته وكتاباته

كتاب أدب اللغة الآرامية هو ابن النبيل بسطوهماغ أحد أشراف بلدة كوفلانا (قبلان الحالية) الواقعة في مقاطعة حدياب شمالي ماحوزا أريون. أبصر ايشوعياب النور في نحو سنة 580. ومنذ حداثته…

The School of Edessa

Edessa occupies a singular place in Christendom. Presently called Urfa, a modern Turkish city of some 80,000 inhabitants, it was once associated with Jesus and early missionary activities of the…

Theodore of Mopsuestia, Commentary on the Nicene Creed – Chapter III / On Faith

Translation. By Alphonse Mingana I believe that from what has been said you have learnt sufficiently which are the things that those whose solicitude is the fear of God have…

Theodore of Mopsuestia, Commentary on the Nicene Creed – Chapter II / On Faith

Translation. By Alphonse Mingana Yesterday we spoke to your love sufficiently, and in the measure granted to us by the grace of God, of faith which is the foundation of…

Theodore of Mopsuestia, Commentary on the Nicene Creed – Chapter I

Translation. By Alphonse Mingana By the power of our Lord Jesus Christ we begin to write the exposition of the faith of the three hundred and eighteen (Fathers) composed by…